现向广大作者征集英文稿件。征稿内容: 油气藏工程、油气藏钻完井技术、油气藏增产改造与提高采收率技术、石油与天然气地质等领域的最新研究成果。
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Inviting Contributions for Petroleum
Petroleum will be co-founded by Southwest Petroleum University and Science Press, and reflect the high levels of academic achievements in the world-wide oil and nature gas area.
Contributions invited: oil and gas reservoir engineering, oil and gas drilling and completion technology, oil reservoir stimulation and enhanced oil recovery technology, oil and gas geology. The manuscripts should reflect the latest research results of oil and gas area.
Please send your paper to the E-mailbox.
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 028-83032375
Journal Office of Southwest Petroleum University