
18.10.2017  17:05

  我校物理电子工程学院赵国平教授2015年以通讯作者发表的研究成果, “Skyrmion-skyrmion and skyrmion-edge repulsions in skyrmion-based racetrack memory”  Sci. Rep. 5 , 7643, (2015),获得2007年诺贝尔奖得主,巨磁阻效应(GMR)发现者Albert Fert 等人的关注和好评。相关论文入选ESI 高被引论文(top 1%),2015年以来已被引用98次(GOOGLE SCGOLAR),包括SCI一区的顶级期刊15次。分 别 为自然纳米材料综述(Nature Reviews Materials)2次, 自然通讯 (Nature Communications) 4 次,纳米快报(Nano Lett.) 4 次,自 然 纳 米 技 术 (Nature Nanotechnology)、现代物理评论(Rev. Mod. Phys.)、今日材料(Materials today)、物理评论快报和美国科学院院刊各1次。




  1.“Magnetic skyrmions: Advances in physics and potential applications”,    Fert, A(2007年诺贝尔物理学奖奖得主)   et al.,Nature Reviews Materials,2017

  2.“Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions in metallic films and multilayers: a new twist for spintronics” ;: Wiesendanger, Roland;Nature Reviews Materials,2016

  3.Room-temperature chiral magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin magnetic nanostructures

:Boulle, Olivier; Vogel, Jan; Yang, Hongxin; Nature NA Nanotechnology  2016 

  4.“Interface-induced phenomena in magnetism”,Frances Hellman et al.,Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 025006 – Published 5 June 2017

  5.“Spintronics based random access memory: a review”,Sabpreet Bhatti et al.,Materials today 2017

  6.“Observation of stable Néel skyrmions in cobalt/palladium multilayers with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy”,Pollard, S.D., et al.  Nat Commun. 2017

  7.“Magnetic bilayer-skyrmions without skyrmion Hall effect”;Zhang, Xichao et al.  Nat Commun. 2016.

  8. Edge-mediated skyrmion chain and its collective dynamics in a confined geometry Haifeng Du, Renchao Che, Lingyao Kong, Xuebing Zhaoet al, Nat Commun. 2015;

  9. “Uniaxial stress control of skyrmion phase”, Y. Nii et al, Nat Commun. 2015.

  10. Skyrmion-Anti-Skyrmion Pair Creation by in-Plane Currents,Stier, M., et al.. Physical Review Letters  2017

  11.“The Skyrmion Switch: Turning Magnetic Skyrmion Bubbles on and off with an Electric Field ”,Schott, M., et al.  Nano Lett. 2017

  12. “Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Cubic FeGe Nanowires That Support Stabilized “Magnetic Skyrmions”, Matthew J. Stoltet al..  Nano Lett.2016.

  13. “Room-Temperature Skyrmion Shift Device for Memory Application”, Guoqiang Yuet al..,Nano Lett. 2016.

  14. “  Skyrmion-Based Dynamic Magnonic Crystal”, Ma, Fusheng; et al..Nano Lett. 2015 

  15. “DNano Letters irect imaging of magnetic field-driven transitions of skyrmion cluster states in FeGe nanodisks” Zhao, Xuebing et al.; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.,2016