Inthe first quarter of this year passengervehicle sales inC hinarose10.1per cent to4.9m units,including a m onthly record of 1.85munits in January,a figure that exceeded the 1.8mpassenger vehicles soldover the w hole of lastyear in India,A sia’s third-largest econom y.
A utom aker F iat-C hrysler said onSaturdaythat it w ouldbeginproducingtheiconicA m ericanbrandJeepinC hinafrom2015tom eet dem andinthe w orld’s largestcar m arket.
H onda M otor Co. aim s to unveil a new Fitsedan witha price tag beginning at 70,000 yuan($11,272).
The new H onda Fit will be launched on theChinese car m arket inthe secondhalf of theyear. The H onda Fit is m anufacturedinChinaby the G uangzhou-H onda joint venture.
G M plans torelease asleeker C hevroletCruze w ithsm aller engines to m eet China’s callfor energy efficiency.
Far from the recall scandal that has eruptedinG M’shom em arket,theU S autom akerexpects to sell its one m illionthvehicle inChinathis year duringthe show .T hat puts G M ontrackto com fortably exceed the 3.2m passengervehicles its joint ventures sold last year in China,G M’s biggest m arket accountingfor about athird of total sales. A nalysts at M organStanleyestim ate that joint-venture dividends and royaltiesfrom C hinacontributealm ost 60per cent ofG M’s free cash flow .
V olksw agen,the largest car m aker inChinabyvolum e,w ill unveil five m odels,includinga40thanniversaryeditionof its G olf tailoredforC hineseconsum ers byits joint venturew ithFA W G roup Corp.
A t the end of last year,Chinese-brand pass-enger sedans com m anded27.5per cent of them arket,accordingtothe China A ssociationofA utom obile M anufacturers,w ithG erm ansedansinsecondtaking24.3per cent. Just threem onths later,G erm an sedans lead w ith27.1 percent com paredw ith23.7per cent for theirChinese rivals.